About the Czech Expertise on demand

The Expertise on Demand (“EoD”) is a component of the Czech-UNDP Partnership for SDGs between the Czech Republic and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). All EoD projects are funded by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Czech Republic and implemented by the UNDP Istanbul Regional Hub (IRH).

What is the purpose?

The primary objective of the EoD is to transfer Czech experience and specific know-how in the target countries of the Czech-UNDP partnership for SDGs while its secondary objective is to create opportunities for sharing Czech expertise, strengthening experts’ capacities and increasing their competitiveness within the global UN system.

Czech expertise is shared through hands-on experience and trainings in the partner countries. This includes technological assistance, expert consulting, preparation of feasibility studies, specialized on-site trainings, and study trips or professional internships. Experts are assigned for up to 90 days to establish long lasting solutions that bring positive changes to local communities and organisations.

Work with us!

We are always looking for new experts. If you are interested to be part of our expert database, please reach out to us at cup.applications@undp.org

What do the selected projects receive and what can be covered from the project budget?

The usual budget for EoD initiatives is between US$ 10,000 and US$ 40,000 (depending on proposed number of working days that could be up to 90 days).

The expert submits a financial offer consisting of a daily fee (in the range of US$ 200-800), that includes:

  • personnel costs (including fee, taxes, health insurance)
  • other expenses related to the implementation of initiatives (including travel expenses, per diem, travel insurance) and local transport costs.

Country offices are required to co-fund initiatives submitted under this component, corresponding to 20% of the total value of the assignment. The co-financing can be financial or in-kind.

What kind of expertise?

EoD priority areas are: Good governance and rule of law (SDG16); Sustainable management of natural resources (SDG6, SDG13), Economic transformation and development (SDG7, SDG8), Agriculture and rural development (SDG2, SDG15).

Who can be the experts?

Experts are:

  • Experts from public administration institutions at all levels (state administration, regional and local government);
  • Experts from professional chambers and professional associations, trade associations (e.g. chambers of commerce, industry associations, entrepreneur associations, SME associations, cooperative associations, social partners – i.e. nationally recognised trade unions and employers’ unions)
  • Experts from the private sector, academia, or non-governmental non-profit organisations (including church organisations).

The expert must meet the requirements for education, expertise and experience specified in the respective. Experience from similar assignment, especially in developing countries or previous activities in the country or region of the applicant is considered as an asset. Selected experts agree that, even after the project completion and termination of the contract, they will be available for e-mail or telephone consultation for the following 24 months.

How to apply?

Expertise on Demand is provided after there is demand for a specific expertise in the COs. Currently, the expertise is provided in 3 priority countries with the possible extension to Ethiopia, Zambia and Cambodia this year. For more information, please contact cup.applications@undp.org.